Category Archives: Aspergers in the office environment

Asperger’s & Autism: Research Participants Needed.

Research is vital in assisting us in making our way through the world. New information helps us understand those processes that hinder us, and those that are helpful to us.  

One of the most challenging of these is the work environment. Lights can be too bright, office areas too open and noisy, and posted information can be confusing.

This month we have a chance to offer our input on a research project investigating the effect of the office environment upon the efficacy of those on the Spectrum.

Marc Burnard is a Florida U. doctoral candidate gathering information about changes we would like to see considered in office environments. 

Mark’s interest in this field comes from his personal life:

I have autistic friends and have come across many articles discussing the challenges that autistic people face in workplaces that are unaccommodating.”

There’s a push for neurodiversity initiatives in some workplaces, but a lack of research to facilitate them.

The goal of Mark’s study is to provide insights which may inform changes to workplace environmental design. 

He is a third-year doctoral student in the industrial-organizational psychology program at Florida International University.

His research interests span the stressor-strain process at work and neurodiversity.

He is seeking participants in Australia, Canada, the US, UK, Ireland and New Zealand, because Autism does not respect political or geographical boundaries.

Participants will receive an Amazon gift card for 15USd. To participate in this study, and for more information on the scope of this project see
