Monthly Archives: April 2014

Susan Boyle: Asperger’s Meets Opportunity

When Susan Boyle stepped onto that stage in England, she did not look at all like anyone’s idea of a singing star.

In fact, the audience looked askance at her.  Simon Cowell rolled his eyes as Susan rocked Aspegerishly on the stage.

But this did not deter her.  She had been refining her art for years and was confident in her ability.

When she started to sing, the audience gasped in amazement.  Before she finished the first verse, they were on their feet.

Simple Susan, mad, odd, bizarre.”  Susan recalls being rudely labelled.

“But you see,” she goes on to say, “I’m not mad or simple or any of the other names that I have been called over the years.

I have Asperger’s and it doesn’t define me, it gives a greater understanding of who I am.”

How prepared are you to meet an amazing opportunity?  Are you sitting home feeling sorry for yourself?  Or are you working at your gift?  Seeking out your interests, learning more, working harder at being the best you can be?  We all have our down times.  But we can rise up, we can find our feet again, and our faith in ourselves and in our talents.

To read more about Susan Boyle, go to:

Yours truly,

Margaret Jean.


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For Adults with Asperger’s: Overcoming Obstacles to Getting That Job…

Famous people with Asperger’s give us hope….

80% of grown-ups with Aspergers do not have full-time jobs.

This alarming statistic comes from the webpage, “My Asperger’s Child”.  In a recent article, the authors maintain the reason behind this statistic is not the lack of education or intelligence, but the lack of social skills which would allow employees with Asperger’s to perform their tasks in a “socially acceptable” manner.

“Countless studies show individuals would rather have pleasant and personable co-workers than a co-worker who is always right,” the authors point out.

They conclude that people with Aspergers must compensate for their lack of social competence by “making themselves so good in a specialized field that individuals will be willing to “buy” their skill even though social skills are poor”.

They go on to state that Aspies “need to learn a few social survival skills,” but situating themselves in work groups that are highly specialized is what these authors see as the real solution.  In their minds, Aspies would have more access to social relationships involving work colleagues because of very specific work-related interests.

While I do consider this good advice, I also maintain that working hard at learning social skills is equally important.  There are so many books, videos and online lectures on the subject…Let us do our best in both arenas.

Yours truly,

Margaret Jean.

Read more at:
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